Event Workshop

Pre-Conference Workshop at Tropentag 2024

Knowledge management for sustainable agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

Location: Vienna
Date: 11th September 2024
Time: 8:45-11:45 CET
Link to Pre-Conference Workshop

Available in en

Innovations are the key drivers for sustainable agriculture, land, water and biodiversity conservation, poverty alleviation and food security. Knowledge is at the heart of sustainable development and a key driver for innovations, with useful knowledge derived from several sources—science, indigenous, local, private sector, etc. Effective knowledge co-creation and management are thus of key importance for the development of sustainable agriculture. In sub-Saharan Africa in particular, this is made difficult for various reasons, including high diversity of farm situations, low degree of formal education, weak states, low budgets, language barriers, infrastructure, cultural factors, digital divide, communication challenges, and the need for many innovations to have supporting skills and services in addition to the mere knowledge.

This workshop will present an exchange from across the BMBF funded regional projects on sustainable land management in Africa under the FONA umbrella, on the various steps of knowledge co-creation and management in agriculture. One special aspect will then be deepened to give impulses for discussion: The African Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development system provided by the Forum for African Research in Agriculture (FARA)—the apex continental organisation responsible for coordinating and advocating for agricultural research for development.