
INTERFACES Kolloquiumsreihe - Übersicht

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Impression Video Tropentag 2023

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Einblick in das Forschungsprojekt INTERFACES

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Impression Video Erster Status Seminar

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Minodu Projekt an der Université de Kara

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Nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Subsahara-Afrika: Durch Forschung vor Ort Lebensgrundlagen verbessern

Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der Strategie der Plattform Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit (FONA) geförderte INTERFACES-Projekt arbeitet mit vier anderen regionalen Projekten zusammen, um die Integration, Kohärenz und Reichweite im Bereich des nachhaltigen Landmanagements zu stärken.


Unterstützung von Entwicklungspfaden für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Afrika

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Gemeinsame Entwicklung von Innovationen für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement in kleinbäuerlichen Betrieben in Westafrika

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Entwicklung eines Entscheidungshilfesystems für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement im Kontext von Klimawandel und Landrechten in Westafrika

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Effizienzsteigerung in extensiven weidebasierten Tierhaltungssystemen durch maschinelle Lernverfahren und digitale Technologien

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Förderung lokaler nachhaltiger Entwicklung durch Technologie und Forschung

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Neueste Inhalte

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Blog #6 - An Eventful Month of June

June 2024 has been particularly eventful, as members of the INTERFACES project hosted many insightful events, but also participated in several key conferences dedicated to addressing some of the most pressing global issues.

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Blog #5 - Annual Meeting of the COINS Project

The COINS project meeting, held in Bonn from June 26 to 28, 2024, was conducted in a hybrid format with approximately 20 participants attending in person and an additional 15-20 participants joining online from Senegal, Ghana, and Kenya. The purpose of the meeting was to provide project updates, deliver presentations, and discuss the project’s objectives.

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Special Issue: Science in Support of Combatting Land Degradation

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and in recognition of the World Desertification and Drought Day, the INTERFACES team at IDOS and the NGO “Let’s Plant!” co-organised a panel discussion and interactive market place on 18 June 2024. This evening event gave space for organisations and people engaged in combating desertification, soil degradation, and drought to come together and exchange ideas, share their experiences, and build connections.

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Blog #4 - Institutionalising collaboration through InfoRange Community Committees in Namibia and Kenya

Mobile pastoral livestock production is a knowledge and information intensive production system integrated within overall rangeland management. In InfoRange, we seek to enhance information access to support pastoralists in their management decisions and practices concerning grazing and animal health, by co-developing digital tools.

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Blog #3 - Socio-economic Survey of Farmers in the Senegal River Valley

The objective of the COINS project is to promote sustainable intensification practices in both Senegal and Ghana. Initial ground activities involved a socio-economic survey in the Podor and Dagana departments of the Senegal River Valley (SRV), to assess the farmers‘ perceptions of agricultural innovations and knowledge of their economic and social conditions.

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Blog #2 - Highlights from 2023 and Planned Activities for 2024

This first blog of 2024 will introduce the projects and summarise a selection of highlights from the past year along with some examples of planned activities for the next year.  

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