
INTERFACES Kolloquiumsreihe - Übersicht

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Impression Video Tropentag 2023

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Einblick in das Forschungsprojekt INTERFACES

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Impression Video Erster Status Seminar

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Minodu Projekt an der Université de Kara

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Nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Subsahara-Afrika: Durch Forschung vor Ort Lebensgrundlagen verbessern

Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der Strategie der Plattform Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit (FONA) geförderte INTERFACES-Projekt arbeitet mit vier anderen regionalen Projekten zusammen, um die Integration, Kohärenz und Reichweite im Bereich des nachhaltigen Landmanagements zu stärken.


Unterstützung von Entwicklungspfaden für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Afrika

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Gemeinsame Entwicklung von Innovationen für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement in kleinbäuerlichen Betrieben in Westafrika

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Entwicklung eines Entscheidungshilfesystems für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement im Kontext von Klimawandel und Landrechten in Westafrika

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Effizienzsteigerung in extensiven weidebasierten Tierhaltungssystemen durch maschinelle Lernverfahren und digitale Technologien

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Förderung lokaler nachhaltiger Entwicklung durch Technologie und Forschung

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Blog #9 - Tropentag 2024 (KM4AgD)

This current blog summarises key messages from the pre-conference workshop at Tropentag 2024 in Vienna and invites all workshop participants and friends of the BMBF funded projects to join in upcoming Knowledge Cafes.

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Blog #8 - Fertilizer Microdosing

This current blog shares insights from the DecLaRe project on fertilizer microdosing to increase cereal production in heavily leached soils.

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Fufu Workshop with the Minodu Team

What is the Fufu workshop about? Fufu is a traditional dish from Togo and many other African countries. In the workshop, you will be introduced to the art of preparing Fufu, break a bit of a sweat, taste something delicious, and along the way, gather some impressions from Togo. Spoiler: It won’t look anything like the picture, because generative Artificial Intelligence really has no idea about Fufu.

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Building Bridges: Soldering for Climate Change Awareness

The workshop aimed to draw attention to the multi-faceted impacts of climate change by mediating knowledge through a hands-on approach with DIY electronics in which we soldered LEDs on a custom circuit board and thereby learned about the various regions of Togo in sub-Saharan West Africa.

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Blog #7 - Building across Horizons

This current blog shares insights from a collaborative workshop that the Minodu project team held in Togo in March 2024. The aim of the Minodu project is to process existing knowledge on the effects of climate change in a user-friendly way. Creating local networks and developing concrete approaches to solutions together with rural communities and students from the University of Kara is at the heart of the project.

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Blog #6 - An Eventful Month of June

June 2024 has been particularly eventful, as members of the INTERFACES project hosted many insightful events, but also participated in several key conferences dedicated to addressing some of the most pressing global issues.

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