Publication Poster

Factors for improving resilience in access to and management of water, energy and food

in Namibia smallholder farming communities

Identifying and implementing adaptation strategies is vital to build resilience against against socio-economic challenges, particularly in vulnerable communities affected by climate change.

Published: 11th July 2024

Available in en

Faith Kudzai Chihumbiri’s poster gave insights into the factors for improving resilience in access to and management of water, energy and food in Namibia smallholder farming communities. Namibia’s 70% population relies on agriculture, with 48% of rural households relying on smallholder farming. These communities often face poverty, water-energy-food insecurity, and precarious conditions. Faith is a visiting PhD fellow from the Namibia University of Science and Technology. Her research aims to improve access to resources, resilience to climate change, and focus on agriculture sector interventions. Her preliminary results confirm that most of the households she engaged derive their livelihood from the agricultural value chains which are sensitive to weather patterns. To this end, interventions to build the resilience of the households following incidents of extreme weather events need to focus on the agriculture sector.