
INTERFACES Colloquium Series - Aperçu général

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Vidéo d'impression Tropentag 2023

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Perspectives du Projet de Recherche INTERFACES

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Vidéo d'Impression Premier Séminaire de Statut

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Le projet Minodu à l'Université de Kara

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Gestion durable des terres en Afrique subsaharienne : améliorer les moyens de subsistance grâce à la recherche locale

Financé par le ministère fédéral allemand de l’éducation et de la recherche (BMBF), dans le cadre de la stratégie de sa plateforme Recherche pour la durabilité (Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit, FONA), le projet INTERFACES travaille avec quatre autres projets régionaux pour renforcer l’intégration, la cohérence et la portée dans le domaine de la gestion durable des terres.


Soutenir les voies de la gestion durable des terres en Afrique

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Co-développement d'innovations pour une gestion durable des terres dans les systèmes agricoles des petits exploitants d'Afrique de l'Ouest

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Aide à la décision pour renforcer la résilience des terres face aux défis mondiaux

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Accroître l'efficacité des chaînes de valeur de l'élevage sur les parcours grâce à des approches d'apprentissage automatique et aux technologies numériques

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Favoriser le développement durable local grâce à la technologie et à la recherche

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Derniers médias

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Understanding farmers' decisions: activities in northern Ghana

This current blog, prepared by Dr. Javier Miranda from the University of Bonn, shares experiences and lessons learned from a number of carefully planned activities in northern Ghana in October 2024, including an expert workshop, the training of enumerators and implementing a questionnaire.

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Strengthening agricultural resilience in Senegal: key insights from a field mission

This current blog, prepared by Dr. Hycenth Tim Ndah from the University of Hohenheim, shares key insights and consequent recommendations from a field mission conducted by the regional project COINS in May 2024. The full field mission report can be found here.

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UNCCD COP 16: Another setback for multilateral environmental and resource protection

Original post on IDOS Blogs Senior researcher at IDOS, agricultural economist and German representative on the UNCCD Science and Technology Committee, Dr. Michael Bruentrup reflects on last week’s negotiations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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UNCCD COP16 Side Event: The Role of Youth in Innovation for SLM

This current blog, co-authored by Kingnidé Wilfrid Adjimoti and Aiveen Donnelly, shares a recent project highlight of an official UNCCD COP16 Side Event, which was jointly organised by the INTERFACES team at IDOS and the GEO LDN, hosted by the University of Energy and Natural Resources in Ghana and run by GIZ.

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Geotools for smallholder farmers

This current blog written by PhD candidate at the Ruhr University Bochum, Stefanie Steinbach from the COINS regional project, discusses the question how digital tools and geodata can support smallholder farmers in West Africa to promote sustainable land use.

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Understanding local perceptions of land tenure security in Northern Benin using Mental Models

This current blog, collaboratively written by the DecLaRe colleagues from PIK and WASCAL, discusses a recent research effort in Northern Benin, where a unique mental model methodology to collect data has been employed to explore how different local communities’ groups perceive the benefits, limitations and border of holding an ADC.

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