This rescheduled lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” is on 20 March 2025 by Prof. Akua Britwum from University of Cape Coast, Ghana, on gendered research. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenDorcas Sanginga Alame from the University of Bonn will speak about her results from decision support modelling in Ghana. This lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” will be on 22 May 2025. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenAs a half-way marker through our funding cycle, INTERFACES as the accompanying project, is organising a Status Seminar to showcase current research results and highlight overarching themes. Research from across the project COINS, DecLaRe, InfoRange, Minodu and INTERFACES will come together for an interactive and collaborative week.
Mehr erfahrenThe path from agricultural knowledge to innovation and adoption involves a multi-step process integrating research, technology, and farming processes. This panel unites experts from various disciplines to discuss ways to strengthen innovation and adoption among African smallholder farmers.
Mehr erfahrenDr. Peter Asare-Nuamah from the University of Bonn will speak about the participatory learning platform as part of his work on the INTERFACES project. This lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” will be on 26 June 2025. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenProf. Erin McGuire from the University College Davis spoke about: “On Scaling, GenderUp approach etc.”. The sixteenth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” was on 23 January 2025 by Prof. Erin McGuire from the University College Davis, who spoke on: “On Scaling, GenderUp approach etc.” Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenThis jointly organized side event intends to bring together youth from across our networks of civil society organizations, governmental and intergovernmental partners—such as UNCCD Land Heroes, YPARD and the GEO LDN Flagship—on how youth can be better included in agricultural innovation development and transformation in SSA which take their needs, skills, visions and ambitions into account while respecting the socio-cultural norms of African rural societies.
Mehr erfahrenDr. Eva Weltzien, Honorary Fellow at the University of Wisconsin spoke about: „Why gender matters for seed system dynamics: case of sorghum in Mali“. This lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” was on 5 December 2024 by Dr. Eva Weltzien and she spoke on: „Why gender matters for seed system dynamics: case of sorghum in Mali“. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenThis Knowledge Café Validation will focus on the knowledge brief and manual by Dr. Kisito Gandji, Melika Vodouhnessi and Dorcas Sanginga Alame as knowledge product outputs resulting from the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) Challenge. To join preliminary discussions from 27 November 2024, please join us on D-Groups.
Mehr erfahrenThe INTERFACES project and ZEF Gender Group is happy to inform you about the upcoming event “Combating Gender-based Violence in Northern Ghana’s Rural Areas” on Monday 25 November. This event will highlight the pervasive issue of violence against women and girls, explore the socio-cultural factors contributing to it, and present effective strategies for prevention and support. In Northern Ghana, the prevalence of gender-based violence is similar to global rates, with additional high incidences of psychological and economic violence. Presenters from science, policy, and practice will share their experiences to raise awareness, foster resilience, and promote gender equality. Together, we can create safer, more inclusive communities for all.
Mehr erfahrenDr. Eefje Arnoudse of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) spoke about: “Rethinking research funding: What are appropriate funding conditions for transdisciplinary research in Africa?”. The fourteenth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” was on 14 November 2024 by Dr. Eefje Arnoudse from the INTERFACES project and spoke on: “Rethinking research funding: What are appropriate funding conditions for transdisciplinary research in Africa?”. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenThis Knowledge Café Validation will focus on the policy briefs by Narcisse Yehouenou and Kingnide Wilfrid Adjimoti as knowledge product outputs resulting from the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) Challenge. To join preliminary discussions from 24 October 2024, please join us on D-Groups.
Mehr erfahrenBenjamin Abugri of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and Aiveen Donnelly of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) will speak about: “Communities of Practice and Learning – D-Groups”. The thirteenth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” will be on 17 October 2024 by Benjamin Abugri and Aiveen Donnelly from the INTERFACES project and will speak on: “Communities of Practice and Learning – D-Groups”. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenCarina Lange of the German Research Institute on Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Dr. Damghane Oudanou spoke about: “Minodu – experiences from fostering local sustainable development through technology and research” The twelfth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” was on 26 September 2024 by Carina Lange of the German Research Institute on Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Dr. Damghane Oudanou from the Minodu project and spoke about: “Minodu – experiences from fostering local sustainable development through technology and research”. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenKnowledge management for sustainable agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
Mehr erfahrenThe eleventh lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” was on 11 July 2024 by Dr. Jonas Meier from the COINS project and discussed efficient land management to ensure long-term food security and sovereignty in Africa while at the same time conserving natural resources. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenRegister here In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the INTERFACES team at IDOS in collaboration with the NGO “Let’s Plant!” is organising an evening event including an engaging panel discussion and an interactive market place, accompanied by music, food and drinks, aiming to foster exchange and science-policy-practitioner networking among organisations and people engaged in combating desertification, soil degradation and drought. Agenda 16:30 Arrival and registration 17:00 Panel Discussion 18:30 Market Place 20:00 End
Mehr erfahrenFourth and final Knowledge Cafe for this year’s Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) on 11 June with Karen Munoko, Gender and Agribisness Expert, as keynote speaker.
Mehr erfahrenThe tenth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” is on 6 June 2024 by Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert from the DecLaRe project on “Interdisciplinary Approach to Strengthen Land Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenThird Knowledge Cafe for this year’s Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) on 5 June with Erie Tamale from UNEP as keynote speaker.
Mehr erfahrenSecond Knowledge Cafe is taking place Thursday as part of the KM4AgD Challenge 2024 with a keynote by Alan Orth from CGIAR-ILRI.
Mehr erfahrenOn May 30th at 3:30 PM, the Minodu team would like to invite you to a Fufu workshop taking place at BOL 1. We are very happy to have our Togolese experts Victoire Tsamedi, Ousia Foli-Bebe and Séti Afanouwith us during the workshop. What is the Fufu workshop about? Fufu is a traditional dish from Togo and many other African countries. In the workshop, you will be introduced to the art of preparing Fufu, break a bit of a sweat, taste something delicious, and along the way, gather some impressions from Togo. Spoiler: It won’t look anything like the picture, because generative Artificial Intelligence really has no idea about Fufu.
Mehr erfahrenThe workshop aims to draw attention to the multi-faceted impacts of climate change by mediating knowledge through a hands-on approach with DIY electronics in which we solder LEDs on a custom circuit board and thereby learn about the various regions of Togo in sub-Saharan West Africa.
Mehr erfahrenFirst Knowledge Cafe is taking place this Friday as part of the KM4AgD Challenge 2024 with a keynote by Adrianrafy Raso and Sarah Cummings as guest contributor.
Mehr erfahrenThe ninth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” is on 16 May 2024 by Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kaufmann (DITSL, Germany) and Dr. Hussein Wario (CRDD, Kenya) from the InfoRange project on “Land, Information and Resilience: understanding key aspects of pastoral systems”. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenThe eighth lecture in the INTERFACES colloquium series on “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” is on 11 April 2024 by Dr. Frederike Klümper from TMG Research on „Empowering Communities for a Just Transition towards Land Degradation Neutrality: Evidence from Benin, Kenya, Madagascar and Malawi“. Colloquium Series Overview
Mehr erfahrenDer sechste Vortrag in der INTERFACES-Kolloquiumsreihe zum Thema „Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research“ wurde am 22. Februar 2024 von Dr. Till Below von der GIZ gehalten. Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenDer fünfte Vortrag in der INTERFACES-Kolloquiumsreihe zum Thema „Sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research“ wird am 11. Januar 2024 von Constance Akurugu von der Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies Ghana gehalten. (Dieser Beitrag fiel aus und wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt werden.) Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenAs part of the BINUM/SINUM Lecture Series „Justice in a Changing Climate: Addressing Injustice Issues in the Wake of the Climate Crisis“, INTERFACES‘ Dr. Tina Beuchelt will give a online lecture on „The Climate Crisis and the Struggle for Gender Justice in Land and Food Systems in the Global South“
Mehr erfahrenThe GIZ LandHub is a German networking and knowledge event on land and other thematic areas. The LandHub takes place on an annual basis with over 100 representatives from German international cooperation, civil society, academia and the private sector.
Mehr erfahrenDer vierte Vortrag der INTERFACES-Kolloquiumsreihe zum Thema “ Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research“ wird am 30. November 2023 von Juliane Wiesenhütter und Nina Bisom von der GIZ gehalten. Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenFollowing the Key Stakeholder Workshop with #COINS, #DecLaRe and #INTERFACES in Tamale, Ghana, DecLaRe’s Annual Meeting tool place at the end of November in Parakou, Benin.
Mehr erfahrenINTERFACES und der Internationale Tag zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Vereinten Nationen zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen, der jedes Jahr am 25. November stattfindet und an den sich 16 Aktionstage gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt anschließen, organisierte INTERFACES eine besondere Kolloquiumsveranstaltung. Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenDer erste große Workshop mit den zentralen Stakeholdern in Tamale, Ghana, der gemeinsam von INTERFACES, den Projekten COINS und DecLaRe organisiert wurde, konzentrierte sich auf die Entwicklung einer geschlechtergerechten Theorie des Wandels.
Mehr erfahrenDer dritte Vortrag in der INTERFACES-Kolloquiumsreihe zum Thema „Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research“ wird am 2. November 2023 von Dr. Heike Baumüller, Senior Researcher am ZEF, Universität Bonn, gehalten. Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenDer zweite Vortrag in der INTERFACES-Kolloquiumsreihe zum Thema “Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research” wird am 5. Oktober 2023 von Dr. David Anaafo vom WASCAL-Kompetenzzentrum in Burkina Faso gehalten. Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenWorkshop zur Erforschung der nachhaltigen Landbewirtschaftung in Subsahara-Afrika
Mehr erfahrenAm Donnerstag, dem 7. September, eröffnete INTERFACES die Kolloquiumsreihe zum Thema „Sustainable land management in sub‐Saharan Africa: Improving livelihoods through local research“. Der Eröffnungsvortrag wurde von Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Direktorin des IDOS, Bonn, Deutschland, gehalten. Überblick über die Kolloquiumsreihe
Mehr erfahrenIm Rahmen des Arbeitsbereiches Kapazitätsentwicklung und Ausbildung veranstaltet das Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung gemeinsam mit den regionalen Projekten und Akteuren aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis eine Kolloquiumsreihe zu Zukunftsvisionen und Theorien des Wandels für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unten.
Mehr erfahrenAm 26. Juli 2023 wurde in Kara das Projekt Minodu ins Leben gerufen
Mehr erfahrenINTERFACES -Side-Event auf der 8. FARA-Wissenschaftswoche in Durban, Südafrika
Mehr erfahrenNachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung in Subsahara-Afrika: Großes Forschungsprojekt beginnt seine Arbeit
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